Nov 3, 2018 6:10:08 GMT -5
edited on Nov 3, 2018 9:07:43 GMT -5 by Deleted
Post by Deleted on Nov 3, 2018 6:10:08 GMT -5
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don't worry, amaris will keep you safe from all the nasties[attr="class","VPCimgbox"] | [attr="class","VPCnamehdr"] [attr="class","VPCname"]AMARIS
[attr="class","Vfreebox"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformbox"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformhdr"]history [attr="class","Vappfreeform"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformtext"] The guardian, the watcher, the sage. Amaris has been living enough to amount multiple aliases both within the wood and outside, living through the lifespan of a multitude of races. They might seem and act like an innocent and naïve child due to their nature but Amaris knows quite a lot about the world and has enough experience to be named the chief of the Kokiri at one point in time, but for now Amaris merely just acts as a scout and at times a person whom would protect the Kokiri from the shadows. [break][break] Amaris has seen the dark sides of the outside world, having once being victim to its cruelties out of their child-like curiosity to learn what the world beyond was like. Captured and treated as a mere plaything at the time, while being parted with their first fairy guardian whom they never came to see once again, it was no wonder when they managed to liberate themselves from their captors that Amaris upon returning back home to the wood had made it forbidden to leave spreading the lies that doing so will result in one’s death, for the safety of those that would come to be made after them. But Amaris has also seen its wonders as well, along with the good side of those that inhabit it. This is why despite their fear of what would become of their fellow Kokiri upon venturing out that Amaris does sometimes leave the wood in secret whether it is to quench their whims or if it is for important matters. [break][break] While Amaris does have an innate distrust to those whom aren’t resident of the forest, there are people whom they have come to trust especially if the Deku Tree is one of the individuals that believe in them. One of these people is Link, to be exact a past reincarnation of the hero whom was decided to be raised in the forest as a Kokiri. This trust of theirs extends to the future reincarnations of the hero while same applies to Zelda, due to how their destinies tend to entwine. But outside of these two, Amaris has rarely let anyone into the home of the Kokiri, often not allowing even a chance for a person to find their way through the lost woods into their homes. Other than this being due to what has happened to them in the past, this is also due to the death of Saria, the previous forest sage and a close friend. [break][break] In the recent years with their green companion fairy known as Libra, a naïve and young fairy, they have grown rather proactive with their involvement of the world outside of their woods due to how much of a crisis that one of that one of the reincarnations of the hero has been placed into even if it were at the orders of goddesses. Quite often “Amaris” would be missing, under the guise of a faux identity as “Iris” a hylian girl when outside of the forest in order to keep up-to-date with news of what was currently going on in the world and to look for ways that they could possibly be of help to bring back an age of peace. Unknown to them, they still aren't aware of their inheritance of being the sage of the forest as there hasn't come a time that they need to be awakened yet. |
[attr="class","Vappoocbox"] [attr="class","Vappoocbox2"] [attr="class","Voocname"] [attr="class","Vtitleion"][attr="class","ion-at"] lock[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] he/him[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] gmt[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] lock#4501 | [attr="class","Vappmiscbox"] [attr="class","Vappmischdr"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-wand"] inventory[attr="class","Vappitem"] [attr="class","Vappitemstext"] Fairy Ocarina: This Ocarina has been augemented with magic, upon playing it Amaris can generate gust of winds to blow things or cut things with razor winds. [break][break] [break] + Eternal Youth: The Kokiri are forever in the appearance of children or young teens, and are agelessly immortal. They can, however, be killed by others. [break][break] + Guardian Fairy: All Kokiri are accompanied by a Guardian Fairy that acts as a companion for your character's journey. They are not playable races (yet), so they are controlled completely by the Kokiri player. If your character should fall, you can use your fairy to resurrect yourself. Doing this, would permanently lose your fairy guardian. [break][break] - Weak to Fire: Kokiri are woodland children, and have a weakness to fire. They will take extra damage from fire based attacks. [break][break] [break] Other:[break] + Amaris' Diary[break] + Satchel[break] + Rope[break] + Spare Clothing[break] + |
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