Z-RP was created by NAVI. LEGEND OF ZELDA was developed by NINTENDO. All content belongs to its respective creators.
All images belong to their respective artists. All codes and scripts belong to their respective coders.
The skin was created by Alcove. Board Layout was made by NOVA for ZRP exclusively. Do not attempt to steal or emulate anything on this board.
Welcome to ZRP! We are an non-canon RP site with an original tale taking place within the
lore of the Zelda Franchise. While the events of this site are entirely non-canon, we take advantage of the canons of other
games to explain its story fully. As such, we are located within the CANON TIMELINE. Do you like what you see? If so, feel free
to register and join our story! If you have any questions, you can join our discord, located in our important links!
11/12/21 GUESS WHO'S BACK! Thats right, and we are cooking up a good ol reset for everyone. Please be patient as things will be a little empty as we archive. Pop into discord if you have questions.
From a young age, Ariadne was clearly not meant to be among the Gerudo Pirates of Great Bay. She was born to them, raised by them, and treated no differently from any of her sisters, but she never felt at home with them. She broke down in tears the first, second, and third times they tried to get her to strike another during training. She cried for hours after seeing her mother kill a Zora who had gotten too close to the fortress. The Gerudo decided to put her under the tutelage of an older Gerudo named Sanare who was the camp healer. Sanare had studied in Clock Town in her youth and was a skilled doctor, though her hands had started getting shakier and she needed an apprentice. She cultivated Ariadne’s empathetic nature and used her natural pacifism to fuel a love of healing. And, when Ariadne was a teenager, she got her clearance to train in Clock Town. [break][break]
When she arrived in Clock Town, Ariadne was sixteen and had never lived on her own. She had been given a pouch of rupees by Sanare (who explicitly refused to tell her where they came from) and a letter explaining her situation. She was able to secure training in Clock Town, as well as rent a small room in the Stock Pot Inn. During her training, she learned classical medicine, the basic anatomy of every sentient race in Termina, and the absolute basics of healing magic. She wasn’t a natural when it came to magic, but she was determined and driven to succeed. After years of studying, she was finally able to produce basic healing weaves, mending a small cut by draining the life force of six blades of grass. Her copy of “Field Guide to Medicine: A Compendium of Known Afflictions and Wounds” was thoroughly marked and tagged by the time she was twenty, with her own scribbles and observations in the margins.
During her stay in Clock Town, Ariadne began experimenting with clothing. She had only ever known the Gerudo style of dress, but was fascinated by the idea of expressing herself through a different style. First, she toyed with a more androgynous style of dress; she would wear tunics and loose trousers, and cut her hair to a more manageable shoulder length. Eventually that grew dull, and she took it a step further. She cut her hair even shorter, to a messy, boyish style and began wearing clothing more classically worn by men. She still identified as a woman, but found that she felt more at home in loose tunics with brown vests tucked into brown, fitted trousers, which in turn were fitted into black leather boots that reached to her mid-calf. She enjoyed the mobility (Terminian women in their dresses would have such trouble keeping up!), but also the slight confusion it produced in the people around her. And it felt right, which was the most important part.
As she neared her twenty-first birthday, Ariadne received a letter from Sanare in the post informing her of a new Pirate Queen and that she would be expected back permanently within the next few months. A sudden feeling of dread took hold of Ariadne; she remembered the deaths and dismemberments she had seen among the Gerudo before finally finding herself among her peers in Clock Town. She knew that, even as a doctor, she would be faced with pressure to be less merciful toward prisoners and to be hard on her patients. She didn’t have the heart for it. Looking into ways to disappear, she stumbled upon information about a portal far away, to a place she might never be able to return from. Packing up her dearest belongings (her books, tools, clothes, and a few pictographs she’d taken with the friends she’d made), she took the plunge, prepared to face whatever may come on the other side.
SPELL OR ITEM NAME:[break] Light I - Healing. By listening to the magical energy of the land around her, Ariadne can weave threads of life magic from the air and hook them to the metaphysical makeup of a being of her choice, gradually healing wounds of which she is aware. As a novice, she isn’t capable of healing more than one person at a time, though she can focus on healing one person while stabilising two other people. By utilising pre-existing life essence, Ariadne will either slowly drain surrounding plant matter of life or, in times of crisis, use her own physical health as a vessel.
This ability requires intense focus and time depending on the severity of the wound and can exhaust her easily; if a companion is only lightly wounded, she might forego magical healing in lieu of more traditional methods. [break][break]
RACIAL ABILITY: + Super Strength: Because they are tall warrior women, they are very strong and able to fight back at equal or stronger strength of warrior men. [break][break] + Heat Resistance: The Gerudo live in the desert, and have thrived in it for centuries. Because of this, they are able to withstand the scorching heat of the sun - this does not, however, give them resistance to fire. [break][break]
OTHER: She wears a medium-sized bag on her back full of medical equipment. Needles, thread, various medical tools, ligatures, tourniquets, unctures, pre-made poultices for blood loss, inflammation, and infections, and vials of anaesthetics (opium, hemlock, mandrake root) and anti-septic materials (alcohol) can be found inside. She also carries a field guide to common afflictions and wounds and how to treat them, earmarked and tagged all over with her own little notes and observations. It sits in the centre of her bag wrapped in several dozen meters of gauze. [break][break] A small pouch at her belt is full of various herbs meant to slow bleeding and dull pain (the latter mostly by chewing). They’re stored separately from the main bag due to extreme odour.