Apr 11, 2020 5:22:49 GMT -5
edited on Apr 11, 2020 5:29:52 GMT -5 by Deleted
Post by Deleted on Apr 11, 2020 5:22:49 GMT -5
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Death before dishonor.[attr="class","VPCimgbox"] | [attr="class","VPCnamehdr"] [attr="class","VPCname"]Viggo
[attr="class","Vfreebox"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformbox"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformhdr"]history [attr="class","Vappfreeform"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformtext"] [break][break] Viggo was born to an older couple of a Gerudo mother and a Hylian father, his mother being a former guard in the Gerudo Fortress before she retired due to losing her arm. Viggo's father was a Hylian scholar who traveled to Gerudo to study Gerudo culture, history, and customs, and fell in love with Viggo's mother. They moved to Hyrule Castle town, where they wed and had Viggo and lived comfortably for a while. However, when Viggo reached his early childhood, his mother passed due to an illness, which left Viggo to be raised by his father alone. With no mother to teach him about his Gerudo heritage, Viggo was told by his father he would be homeschooled in the hopes of having more time to learn of his culture through his father's books on Gerudo customs. This did not help Viggo, however. He was born a vai, and therefore Gerudo, but he had little connection to his culture and felt he did not fit in with his Hylian side because he did not look or act like the other Hylian children. Later in his childhood, Viggo began to feel more comfortable being treated as a voe rather than vai, and one day, told his father he would rather be his son rather than his daughter. His father, although accepting, warned him that this meant that he would not be able to reside in Gerudo cities because he was voe, but born vai. Viggo's struggles with his identity would grow more and more stronger as time went on. [break][break] When Viggo reached his adolescent years, he would rather stay inside his home with his father than go outside with others his age, both due to fear of socializing and to learn as much as he could from his father's works, including studies of Gerudo magic. Viggo later learned he had the ability to control magic and thanks to his partial Hylian blood, he was a quick learner, albeit an impatient and erratic one. His father helped him hone his abilities as a mage, but did not wish to teach him too much, worrying it would only harm Viggo if he knew too much too soon. Viggo, who held many frustrations from before and now felt even more upset, decided to try and find ways to relieve his anger. The Gerudo then began to study the art of hand-to-hand combat, as well as swordfighting and would begin to train in his physical form rather than study as he did beforehand. [break][break] When Viggo turned twenty-three, his father died of old age and he was left alone to live in a land he felt he did not belong in. Viggo lived for a while off his father's small inheritance, but his feelings of isolation grew until he abandoned his hometown in search of a more fulfilling life. After months of traveling, Viggo could not find his calling, no matter how hard he looked. Defeated, the Gerudo would make one last stop before returning home. But while in a tavern in the outskirts of Hyrule, Viggo met with a band of thieves. The thieves struck an offer with Viggo and asked for him to act as a pair of eyes to watch for city guards and if he did his job well, would be paid a portion of the stolen amount. Viggo, curious to see where this would lead, accepted the job. The night of the heist came and the thieves and Viggo approached the target; a large home said to be packed with goods to be pawned off for large sums of rupees. The thieves made their way in and Viggo was left alone to act as a night watch, until he was ambushed by guards and taken to prison. It was no lie, Viggo was backstabbed by the thieves and in the cold, dark cell he resided in, vowed to never trust anyone blindly again. [break][break] After being released from the jail, Viggo began life as a lone mercenary, accepting any job from any employer, no matter the risk or crime. The guilt of the more dirty jobs haunted Viggo, however, and he felt a weight like never before weighing down on him. And all it took was one hard-hitting job to change everything. Viggo was given the task to kidnap a girl so that she could be held for ransom. Despite being disgusted with the task at hand, he accepted the job anyway, and learned that the girl lived as the daughter of rich nobles in Hyrule Castle Town, Viggo's hometown. Viggo began his trek to Hyrule Castle Town with his only motivation being the sum of rupees he would be met with at the end. Soon, Viggo successfully tracked down the girl and awaited nightfall to make his move. At the dead of night, he broke into her home but rather than finding a sleeping child, he found the girl praying at the bedside of a resting young woman. The girl, hearing Viggo make his entrance, pleaded for him to not hurt her sister and to take her instead if it will "make her better". Viggo did not speak nor move. He stared at the crying girl and saw himself in her eyes; lost, sad, and terrified. In a fit of panic and disarray, Viggo fled the house and ran as fast as he could out of the town and into the rolling hills and fields away from the town. Viggo had an epiphany that night; never hurt another innocent and to honor his family name. [break][break] With his hands washed clean of his former employer and her associates, Viggo found a new purpose in life, to help others. He has roamed the lands in search of those in need, and fights the wicked to absolve him of his past mistakes. Even though he knows he might never be able to be as honorable as his mother or as noble as his father, he knows that he will one day do something great that will etch him into the walls of history as a true Gerudo; strong and fierce and proud. |
[attr="class","Vappoocbox"] [attr="class","Vappoocbox2"] [attr="class","Voocname"] [attr="class","Vtitleion"][attr="class","ion-at"] Dragmire[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] He/him[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] Pacific Daylight Time[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] Dragmire#7914 | [attr="class","Vappmiscbox"] [attr="class","Vappmischdr"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-wand"] inventory[attr="class","Vappitem"] [attr="class","Vappitemstext"] SPELL OR ITEM NAME: Lighting’s Fury- Viggo is able to manifest lighting magic into his unarmed attacks for an extra boost in damage and speed, but makes him tire more easily. The spell acts as a burst; not lasting very long upon being cast, but can be used repeatedly once for a full fight before being expended for the day and cannot be used until Viggo replenishes his stamina and recovers fully. Cannot use on weapons. [break][break] RACIAL ABILITY: + Super Strength: Because they are tall warrior women, they are very strong and able to fight back at equal or stronger strength of warrior men. + Heat Resistance: The Gerudo live in the desert, and have thrived in it for centuries. Because of this, they are able to withstand the scorching heat of the sun - this does not, however, give them resistance to fire. [break][break] OTHER: Viggo carries with him a Hylian-styled leather scholar’s pouches on his waist to hold his waterskins, rations, coin pouches, and other such essentials. He also carries shards of his mother’s sword in a larger pouch on his left side of his hip in the hopes of repairing it into a wieldeble blade in the future, as well as a memento to remember his late mother. |
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