Artemis Rhoam Hyrule
Jun 21, 2017 3:22:20 GMT -5
edited on Apr 15, 2020 22:12:22 GMT -5 by Navi
Post by Artemis Hyrule on Jun 21, 2017 3:22:20 GMT -5
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I HAVE A DUTY TO FOLLOW, AND TIME IS NOT ON MY SIDE[attr="class","VPCimgbox"] | [attr="class","VPCnamehdr"] [attr="class","VPCname"]ARTEMIS HYRULE
[attr="class","Vfreebox"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformbox"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformhdr"]history [attr="class","Vappfreeform"] [attr="class","Vappfreeformtext"] When fate had smiled upon Hyrule's Royal Family, the kingdom rejoiced at the birth of their first royal child. A boy, whom, at the time was considered to be an presumptive heir, since the ways of the Goddess Reborn had been so rare and unlikely in their lifetime, but was still considered possible. His family wept at their healthy child and held a feast in his honor. It wasn't until three years later that the King and Queen would have another child, making him a big brother. [break][break] Fate took an interesting turn. When his mother and father had left to deliver the child, they came back with something much greater than a son or daughter. They had brought back an apparent heir - one of gold hair and cerulean eyes. While it may have been considered to be heritage of past ancestors, a blonde born of brown and red hair was not likely. And as such, they knew she had been destined for a greater path. And still too young to understand what was happening, the title of first heir had been removed from Artemis and given to his younger sister, named Zelda. [break][break] Another young sister had been born along the way, to whom he had been quite protective of. His parents were quite possessive of Zelda, often separating her from the others, because his father had truly believed her to be a goddess in human form, and as such she needed to do anything and everything to awaken that power. He didn't get off very easily either though, his father slapping him with the reality of his presentation, and how others would perceive him had he not taken his role as prince seriously. He spent countless hours a day in classes that consumed his life, teaching him the do's and don't's of royalty, as well as how to wield a sword and use it. [break][break] While his father was rarely there for comfort, his mother was quite attached to him. The first born, the baby boy. He spent a lot of his time by her side when he wasn't busy in classes, and it was also the only way he had gotten to see Zelda. She wasn't ever given a chance to bond with her other siblings, but since his mother had always watched her, he found it was the easiest way to get close. [break][break] Another child was on the way, but this time, things looked grim. His mother had been growing sick in the later term of her pregnancy, and many were talking about an emergency removal of the child, as she may not make it through the week. He was nearly a decade old at this point, however still too young to understand the seriousness of the situation. So when his mother was immediately taken to her chambers to deliver his youngest sibling, and then never came out, he wasn't sure what to think. [break][break] Artemis was absolutely devastated by his mother's death, to the point where he had snubbed his new sibling, blaming them for her passing. While he is no longer outwardly condemning his youngest sibling, he still can be rather short with them, not easily impressed by their hardships, and is generally disinterested in their life. [break][break] His father became much more hardened after his mother's passing, and he no longer had a figure to hide behind when Daphnes became angry. His role as the eldest son was to be taken seriously now, especially since Zelda had to become more dedicated in her training. His lessons were never to be slacked on, and he had to stay focused on his path to being a fair ruler, since his main purpose now was to marry into another Royal Family. [break][break] He often felt that he disappointed his father in many aspects. The two did not get along very well, especially when he began to grow sick. He felt that perhaps he had not met his wishes for how he were to handle his royalty, since he had turned down almost every princess or high class woman he had been introduced to. Daphnes often reminded him of his embarrassment, that his son refused to pick a bride, and for that he would never continue their line. [break][break] Despite many expecting the King's death, it had still shocked most of the kingdom. His siblings mourned heavily - and to his surprise - Zelda especially took it hard. He himself found a hard time expressing sadness during this time, due to their strained relationship, but he went with the motions and expressed his sympathy when needed. He felt he had to stay strong for his sisters, because the only other person looking out for them was now gone. [break][break] Suddenly, as if from nowhere, Zelda had exclaimed that she was having visions of an evil, and that they must go in search of the Legendary Hero. Artemis thought perhaps his sister had gone mad in her mourning, and dismissed her concerns, exclaiming that perhaps she should try to get some rest. She refused though, and began her search. [break][break] Over the course of the next few months, preparations were being made for a war that they had no proof was coming. He stayed silent about it generally, and avoided being apart of it. But when word had come that their hero had been found, he couldn't help but be a bit miffed that it was her very own appointed knight - and not just any appointed knight - the very one whom she had been childhood friends with. [break][break] It wasn't that he didn't like him, it was more so he thought it was too good to be true. The moment he truly started to dislike Link was when he had caught him kissing his sister, after a formal announcement had been made of her engagement to Prince Perseus. [break][break] Once Seith had made himself known to the world, and King Galadhion had taken his hold on Hyrule, Artemis knew that something bad was coming. Before he could formally apologize to his sister for being wrong though--she had been killed. At her own wedding. This was the first initial grief since his mother's death that Artemis had truly felt. At that moment, he put his feelings aside and devoted his fealty to Link on his quest to destroy the darkness. [break][break] When the time had come for them to face Seith in battle, despite his fears, Artemis stood beside Link with honor. They set foot on the battlefield, when it was suddenly revealed that the Sheikah traveling with them had been Zelda all along. She hadn't told anyone, but Link. And Seith now wanted to face Link alone. [break][break] He tried to hold his sister back, but once the final blow had been made on the hero, she had leaped from his arms and in front of him, making any effort to save her lover. Everything had been a blur from that moment on. He remembers putting up a fight to several powerful gods, and barely making it out, and then he remembers seeing the very Golden Goddesses themselves. [break][break] Everything else was faded. A shell shock crashed over him, and he held his grieving sister as they went back to the castle. There, she was coronated, and then they were removed from their city by the force of the civilians. [break][break] He has spent the last few years gathering supplies and building troops for Zelda's cause, to eventually bring back Hyrule and to retake their throne. He feels that Zelda's hope for bringing back the hero is pointless, however, and feels that it is time to take matters into their own hands. |
[attr="class","Vappoocbox"] [attr="class","Vappoocbox2"] [attr="class","Voocname"] [attr="class","Vtitleion"][attr="class","ion-at"] DEBISIS[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] SHE/HER[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] EASTERN[attr="class","Voocinfo"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-chevron-right"] Debisis#5832 | [attr="class","Vappmiscbox"] [attr="class","Vappmischdr"] [attr="class","Vinfoion"][attr="class","ion-wand"] inventory[attr="class","Vappitem"] [attr="class","Vappitemstext"] DAWN RITUAL: A blinding, white light that engulfs Artemis's blade, it creates a magic which tarnishes all dark matter and can be harmful to enemies susceptible to light magic. [BREAK][BREAK] WILLBREAKER: Will breaker is a sword that has been passed down to the firstborn child of the Hyrulean Royal Family for generations - Daphnes having passed it down to Artemis just before his death. |
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